Senin, 16 Maret 2015

Dance in the rain!

Life isn't about waiting the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain

14 March 2015
Ibu, Bapak, Bumi & Laras mandi hujan bareng bareng. Sesuatu yang akan kami kenang, nanti.

Life is so much better when you have a purpose that goes beyond your own material needs

Dulu saya memilih kuliah jurusan hukum simply karena terinspirasi oleh buku bukunya John Grisham. Ada satu hal yang selalu membuat saya fascinated bahwa menjadi lawyer bisa memberikan kesempatan untuk menolong orang dengan melakukan pekerjaan pro bono. Di tengah kesibukan saya berdua temen saya mengajar anak jalanan dari satu stasiun kereta ke stasiun kereta lainnya , kadang saya masih menyempatkan belajar untuk  ikutan UMPTN lagi untuk kali kedua karena waktu itu saya masih kuliah di jurusan sastra Prancis. Begitu akhirnya saya lulus UMPTN dan diterima di jurusan hukum, saya udah gak mau lagi jadi lawyer. Sekarang end up nya saya jadi Notaris/PPAT. Akhir akhir ini kembali kepikiran tentang pro bono utamanya karena orang berpikir bahwa profesi Notaris/PPAT adalah profesi yang dekat dengan kekayaan. Mungkin itu benar, tapi resiko yang dihadapi seorang Notaris/PPAT pun sangat tinggi, tidak bisa melakukannya dengan bekal ilmu seadanya, dan bahwa profesi ini bisa menjadi jalan berkat bagi sesama. Life is so much better when you have a purpose that goes beyond your own material needs

Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

Make friends with nature!

Bumi Laras is now 17 months old. They are getting big, smarter and have their own individual free will ( although they're twins! )

We tried our best to introduce them to a simple, humble and close to nature life style. Why? Becoz thats the way i want my children to be when they are grow up. Kami jarang sekali nge-mall. Bisa dihitung pake jari. Itupun karena ada kebutuhan karena harus beli sesuatu. Kalo cuma sekedar finding leisure and fun time, we definitely will find it in our home sweet home. Mereka juga sudah kami kenalkan dengan alam sedini mungkin. Salah satunya dengan membiarkan mereka main di kebun bertelanjang kaki lari kesana kemari. Kebetulan kebun di halaman rumah lumayan banyak pohon. Dan hari Sabtu 28 Feb kemarin kami kemping kempingan di halaman rumah! It was fun! 

Chia Pudding Parfait ala Litha

I came across this dish many many times before in Instagram and decided to try the recipe weeks ago

Ingredients :
1. 3 TB chia seed
2. 250 ml ( or more ) of fresh milk
3. A tiny splash of vanilla extract
4. A sprinkle of salt
5. 1 big mango, peeled and sliced
6. Simple syrup as you like


 Mix all the ingredients ( except the mango ) in a small jar and let them in the fridge overnite. Don't forget to put slices of mangos as the toppings. By the morning you already have a nice dessert for your breakfast! Enjoy your healthy and delicious breakfast!
Intinya sih plung plung aja campurin doang ga pake effort banget kok bikinnya  dan gak pake lama jugak. Tapi asliii kalo punya saya sih jadinya enak banget!  Additional information, chia seeds is very high in Omega 3, it can reduce food cravings ( not in my case but so they said, the expert hihihi..) and among the superfood that is sooo booming nowadays.

Selasa, 17 Februari 2015

Self Employed, are you ready for the challenge?

This is February 2015

That means almost a year since i took a pledge as a notary public. It is not easy to be in this position yet i am grateful that i finally reach one of my dream.

Jumat, 23 Januari 2015

Hello 2015

Januari 2015 is almost over. Time really flies!

Really not sure what 2015 has in store for me but of course i'm excited to find out. Hope this year change me into a better person, a year that grows me, where i can take good care of myself since i don't feel like it is something i've been good at in the past. Last year i felt like the main reason i was doing things because somebody wanted me to do so or i did it for the benefit of other people. Well of course i love doing things for others, but i believe there are times when you have to be selfish, do what you wanna do, as long as you took responsibility of what you have done.

 I wish you all the best in 2015! Over and out!